
general journal junk  -  idealog

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We often dream of imaginary places or imagine known places in a completely different way than they are. But some of us enjoy people more than places. We people watch, and imagine what's going on in their heads, what their day is like, what's in the shopping bags they carry, and so on. Seeing people isn't the only method of entering into this game, but it's frequently the easiest. So let's start there! Find a photo of a person you do not know and create a biography for them.

But how to go about it, you wonder. What to add? Where to start?


Choose what perspective you're going to do this in.

You can use any kind of journal or scrapbook you like, but make sure the paper in it is stuff that can handle a lot of writing and some glue or other adhesive. These are just some general ideas on what you can add to your book. You can add to it, omit from it, or adapt it in any way you choose.

Who is this person? Give them:

All the trappings of the average human life. Or make them not average at all. Give as much detail as you want. Maybe devote an entire page or entry to each thing.

You could add journal/diary-style entries that:

You can answer questions like:

If you want to turn this into somewhat of a group project:

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