Fill Watercolour Pans ... even with things that aren't watercolours

general journal junk  -  idealog

I initially wrote this years ago, but the whole thing was a mess and a bit outdated, so I've tidied it up a wee bit.

If you choose to use paint or pigment sticks as solid paint with a brush rather than sticks to draw with, here's some notes on cutting them down to put into watercolour pans. Given the size of the sticks, you might even be able to create multiple pan sets from one set of sticks, so that you could have one for home and one for travel. Or a set for you and one for a friend.


Please note that all of the instructions are based on using full pans, not half pans - but the instructions can be tailored for the use of half-pans as well.

I filled pans with Derwent Inktense Blocks, Derwent ArtBars (discontinued), Watercolour tube paint, Daniel Smith Watercolour Sticks, and gouache. You can also do it with Caran d'Ache Neocolor IIs or other water-soluble crayons or pastels.

You will need:

Now, to work:

Filling the pans with blocks or sticks:

Filling the pans with watercolour/gouache:




The process in pictures:

Filled pan

From left to right: Derwent ArtBar, Derwent Inktense Block, Rembrandt Watercolour (tube), and Daniel Smith Watercolor Stick.

Different products in pans

On the right are gouache, watercolours, and watercolour sticks. On the left are ArtBars, Inktense blocks, Inktense paint pans. These images are from 2018/2019.

My pans

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