The gel medium is the message
general journal junk
- Gel and airbrush mediums, particularly the latter as it's thinner and more liquid, also work nicely for thinning paint out or extending it without decreasing the bindability of the paint to the substrate, and eventually lead to the painting literally cracking or peeling off the substrate.
- Using a high flow medium, like airbrush medium, gives you the liquid consistency you're looking for without breaking the bindability of the paint.
- I mention this only because gel or airbrush medium also works well for spreading materials on a gel plate that would otherwise bead up - like acrylic ink, high-flow acrylic paint, liquid watercolour paint, and other water-based media.
- The gel mediums also provide a simple way to clean off a surface covered in acrylic paint bits.
- Cover that surface in a thin layer of gel medium (or acrylic paint), lay paper over it, press the paper down in the same manner you'd do if doing a hand print, and leave the paper there until everything is dry.
- Pull up. Voila! Clean, or mostly so, surface.
- You may need to repeat this process more than once.
- This also works for cleaning gel plates.
- The upshot is that you now have a metric tonne of collage papers or backgrounds for future artworks.