
general journal junk  -  idealog

These PanPastels are an amazing little creative tool that I have, sadly, never got around to using. Pastels are not my forte. Unlike stick-form, though, these can be removed from the pan by brush, applicator, sponge, et cetera, and applied to a substrate in much the same manner as paint. Not in a water-soluble sense, however.

I have, by heaven, finally figured out something to do with them, but it’s going to mean buying a few more colours, as these won’t necessarily make the best dance partners. These I got from the company as free samples, in a fortunate turn of luck.

If a person were to scrape some of these powders into a basin of water, and lay paper atop it, one could certainly do some delicious paper marbling - more like ebru than suminagashi. They could then be used as stationery, backgrounds, mountings, augmented as works in their own right, collaged, et cetera.


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