Random questions
general journal junk
This is a compendium of some random question/prompt lists I dug out of a nearly 20-year-old archive from an old website. Have fun, with some or none!
- If you were a crayon, what colour would you be:
- Have you ever dyed your hair:
- What were your favourite toys as a child:
- What is your favourite season, fall or spring:
- What is on the floor of your closet:
- My superpower would be:
- Are you a country mouse or a city mouse:
- If I had a time machine, I’d:
- What’s your favourite kids’ cereal:
- Fame or fortune:
- I’ve always wanted:
- My friends would be shocked if they knew:
- Five-star hotel or a tent in the woods:
- The best things in life are:
- What is your earliest memory:
- I could really live without:
- If you were famous, what would you be famous for:
- What advice would you give your younger self:
- I will never tell anyone:
- When the aliens arrive, I hope they bring:
- What’s the first frivolous thing you’ll buy when you’re rich and famous:
- Are you more likely to watch a sunset or the sunrise:
- What’s the last thing that made you scream:
- Can you cook:
- Favourite vegetable:
- Worst habit:
- One weird fact about you:
- Do you think clowns are funny or scary:
- Would you be my crime partner or my conscience:
- What colour eyes do you have:
- Do you swear a lot:
- Biggest pet peeve:
- In one word, how would you describe yourself:
- I wish my parents had named me:
- What do you prefer to drink in the morning:
- Favourite place to be:
- Favourite colour:
- Describe the last time you were injured:
- What is the wallpaper of your mobile phone:
- What’s your favourite fruit:
- What curse word do you use the most:
- What movie do you know every line to:
- If you ran a store, what would you sell:
- What was the first single you ever bought:
- Have you any allergies:
- What is your favourite poem:
- Quote a film:
- What is your favourite smell:
- What is your favourite book:
- What's your favourite Christmas song:
- Do you have a favourite type of pen:
- What would you do with a million pounds:
- What is your worst fear:
- What foods do you dislike:
- Where were you born:
- Favourite day of the week:
- Favourite flower:
- What errand/chore do you despise most:
- What do you do when you can't fall asleep:
- Which of your five senses do you think is keenest:
- Favourite/lucky number:
- Do you smile often:
- Do you do things you know you shouldn't:
- What are you dependent on:
- Do you enjoy acting like a little kid:
- Have you ever shoplifted: What did you steal:
- What's your favourite time of day:
- What's your happiest childhood memory:
- What are your initials:
- If you were invisible, where would you go:
- If there is a hell, where is it:
- What language would you like to master:
- What is the saddest movie you have ever seen:
- My comfort food is:
- If you saw wet cement, what word would you write in it:
- What was the best advice you ever received:
- When I want to be alone, I:
- Two truths:
- One lie: