
general journal junk  -  idealog

In one way or another, we've all imagined a place that doesn't exist. Sometimes it's fantastical, and sometimes just on the other side of town. Why not bring these places to life, of a sort, by creating your own atlas?

You will need:

Now, to play!

If you go with map first:

On the facing page, if you're doing the map on one page method, you can start to add the information about your fictional place.

Some things to consider including are:

A whole big list of other things to consider:

You can add as much or as little detail to each as you want.

Using the aforementioned ephemera, decorate these spreads as you see fit.

Whatever else you might be inspired to use to augment your atlas.

If you're feeling particularly energetic, inspired, and crafty, you can create entire dioramas or other settings to photograph for your atlas. If you do these in shadow boxes they'll be easier to keep as decor for later, and easier to hang on a wall.

And when you're done - or even before you start - create the cover to suitably house your imagined world. Paint it, draw it, or cover it in decorative papers and hand-lettering - maybe even cover it in old postage stamps, or use your own.


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