Things To Be Happy About

general journal junk  -  idealog

I think I've shared about this before. It's a notebook I call Things To Be Happy About. I keep a running list of ... things to be happy about. It might be a quotation, a song lyric, a cup of tea, a warm blanket - anything at all. The only caveat is that anything that goes into it can't be framed in terms of a negative - like being happy that the loud talker finally shut up.

It's a nice place, in that book. Get you a nice book and think about the things that make you happy.

You can also keep a little notebook on you, one that can fit in a purse or pocket, and write down good things as you notice them throughout your day - your feel good fuel. Bad things get enough attention as it is. Give more time to the good ones.

Things to be happy about book

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