Original writing date lost - from pre 2008 | journal
- innards as food
- wind in my face
- other people's melodrama
- boredom
- dogs
- droning noises
- being patronised
- really tiny, unchangeable text on websites
- running out of something I desperately want or need in the middle of the night when the shops are closed
- fanaticism
- waking up with a headache
- extremes in temperature
- reality and tabloid TV
- captchas
- hypocrisy
- when people say real instead of really
- when people use real instead of very
- daylight savings time
- migraines
- bad spelling on an education-related website.
- poor winners
- that hard rind that develops on Jello
- slimey dishwater
- the cost of cellular service in Canada
- car alarms
- when people try to put words in my mouth
- not getting enough sleep
- pompom socks
- abuse of animals
- dim lighting
- artistic pretensions
- when people hunger
- when I can't find the microfibre cloths I use to clean my glasses
- itches that just won't go away
- parents who unnecessarily scream at, and belittle, their children in public
- feather pillows
- doing laundry
- crass talk, particularly during intimate situations
- posturing
- anything tight around my wrists or neck
- the smell of vanilla
- soft mattresses
- wine
- getting unfairly put on the spot
- people who deliver the "benefit" of their wisdom like they're delivering the sermon on the mount
- clothing tags put in the side-seam of a shirt at waist level
- insects
- the smell of mutton or lamb cooking
- Puritan brand canned soups
- the smell of anti-bacterial dish soap
- being tickled
- canned laughter
- formulaic sitcoms