Original composition date lost - pre 2008 | journal
The habit or practice of dumbing something down for the audience.
This happens frequently in films and television programs, when actions are over-explained, laugh tracks used, or information is altered or not even imparted, ostensibly because they either think we couldn' possibly understand what’s going on, or because they want to dumb us down in order to more easily control us in some fashion, or because they’re too lazy to come up with more imaginative ways to present information and dramatic action.
This condition snowballs as those who were dumbed down to become the creators, and, in their turn, dumb down another generation of programming. People are, and become, less and less culturally aware, less and less informed, more and more out of touch with even the simplest things - like pronouncing the name of a city properly so that your pizza commercial doesn' sound like a rank, idiotic amateur made it.