Things I Miss
Original writing date lost - from pre 2008 | journal
- The redness of my hair (It's going all blonde.)
- Playing in snow drifts up to my hips
- The walk to the community pool
- Summer vacation
- Saturday morning cartoons
- The back grounds of my first grade school
- Climbing cherry trees
- What it felt like, as a young person, to discover things for the first time
- The excitement that led up to Christmas
- The way they used to show old movies on TV all night instead of paid programming
- Sneaking out to the livingroom to watch those movies
- The simple pleasures in train travel as a child
- How huge the Montreal train station seemed to me when I was young
- Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker as Doctor Who
- That moment of triumphant glory when you caught up with the ice cream man
- The whole process of buying school supplies
- The party dresses I had when I was little
- Goody bags from birthday parties
- Queenston Mall (They've torn it down to make room for big box stores.)
- The huge tree in the corner of the parking lot of that mall, which, to me, bore a striking resemblance to the tree on Gilligan's Island
- Chocolate malts, that you could get from the Little Oly's in that mall
- The large tree branches that shielded my bathroom and bedroom windows
- Stealing rhubarb out of my cousins' grandfather's garden
- Picking coal up off the train tracks across the street from my aunt's house in Cape Breton
- Sitting at beachside cafes by the Mediterranean at night
- Wandering around the city near dawn when I was a teenager
- The rooftop benches and fountains at the art gallery. (Thanks for the sculpture garden, but couldn't you have put it off to the side a bit more, and left some fountains in?)
- My old public high school. The Catholic one, not so much
- The little cardboard trains they used to hand out to children on long train journeys on CN and VIA
- The hilarity of the way my grandfather used to swear in his sleep
- The chubby Polish sausages my grandmother used to get for me when I was little
- The older, simpler, days of the web, when it seemed a little more amusing; or perhaps that's just the eyes of the newly curious talking