Live by
Original composition date lost - pre 2008 | journal
If you had to choose a quote to live by, what would it be?:
I don't know that I could pick just the one. There are so many and they all mean something slightly different and significant. I always fall back on something my mother says at times like this:
While there's life, there's hope.
And that's hope for change, for betterment, for whatever it is you need to hope for. Never give up hope. While there's breath in your body there's always the chance that whatever ails you now, won' ail you tomorrow.
And the other:
May your eyes be opened by the wonderful. which is a line from a James song. I take it to mean not only to be opened by wonderful things, but just to be in a place where you can be open to anything, to possibilities of all sorts. Never be closed, and never close up.