Micro verse
Original composition date lost - pre 2008 | journal
These are micro-poems I wrote prior to 2008 the original composition dates for which are lost.
Heart in the right place
Body in the wrong one.
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Heaven is the silence after snow
When no one ventures forth
Past dreaming out the window
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Hills are no longer challenges
too steep to climb.
They now beckon.
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I am vivid, by degrees
By incremental motions
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It's a pasture of glass
A room full of sea-green and dark blue night
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Journey. Almost there, and nowhere near it.
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No time like the present. No present like time.
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The wind blows, soft, through open windows.
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Wake me from my night dream
To build a better day
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What creates the past
Is our memory
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Each day brings sorrows
And its joys
Each day brings knowing
And doing
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You want what you cannot get
And do not want what you can attain.