Like Any Other Day
Original writing date lost - from pre 2008 | journal
Today is a day of encouragement; where you look at yourself, and the souls around you, and take inspiration from them.
Today is a day of enlightenment; where you look at yourself, and the souls around you, and learn something wondrously new.
Today is a day of warmth; where you look at yourself, and the souls around you, and take comfort.
Today is a day of worth; where you look at yourself, and the souls around you, and know that there is value.
Today is a day of giving; where you look at yourself, and the souls around you, and know that there are stories to be found there.
Today is a day of joy; where you look at yourself, and the souls around you, and know tha light past your sorrow.
Today is a day of growing; where you look at yourself, and the souls around you, and know that you are alive.
Today is a day, like any other day.