Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk

2016 05 25  |  journal

Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk

You know how sometimes you buy a book and you never get around to reading it? Years ago I bought this book, and didn’t get around to reading it, but I finished it yesterday. Finally.

Outside of wondering what punk would have looked like had Malcolm McLaren never happened to it, noticing that there’s a definite implication that some folks blame the demise of punk at the end of the 70s on the Sex Pistols, wondering if there was a woman around at the time that Iggy didn’t screw, I cannot get past the descriptions of what Sid used to do when he was shooting up - which has to be the single most disgusting image I’ve had in my head in years. Even if it isn’t true, someone’s got a… vibrant imagination. I keep trying not to think about it, but it keeps churning my innards.

Now I need to finish the one about the Toronto punk scene.

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