Darling, I give you very best duck
2019 05 11 | journal
I ran my favourite James Bond line through a few runs of Google translate … because it's known for its accuracy:
English - Darling, I give you very best duck.
to French - Chéri, je te donne le meilleur canard.
to German - Liebling, ich gebe dir die beste Ente.
to Bosnian - Dragi, dacu ti najbolju patku.
to Greek - Agapité, tha sou dóso tin kalýteri pápia.
to Yiddish - Hilf, es vet haltn di kapkeyx.
to Hawaiian - Ae, e ho'oia aku i keia manawa.
to Irish - Sea, lig sé a bheith ag an am seo.
to English - Yes, let it be at this time.