Why Men Won’t Apologiss
2020 07 26 | journal
They feel entitled to forgiveness in the same way they feel entitled to say and do awful things to women
Yesterday, I had to end a friendship of many years because I could no longer tolerate the behaviour of the male involved. He’d called last evening to ostensibly apologise for the last conversation we’d had which was a god-damned disaster. But what does he do? Was the first thing out of his mouth an apology? No. The first thing out of his mouth was asking me to enumerate the sins of that last conversation so we could just get on with it.
That’s another thing that some men do. They don’t keep track of their own shit but expect you to do it for them.
Don’t put your shit on me. I’m not going to carry it. I’m not your mother, I’m not your camel to carry your burdens, and I’m not your moral compass. Grow the fuck up and stop expecting it to be charming that you claim that asshole persona like it’s a banner to wave into battle.