Creative Idea of the Day - June 2024

06 - Lists are the easiest thing there is, so get you a new (or old) notebook or do it digitally, and make a list (and keep it going) of things to be happy about - things, people, movies, quotations, a moment of peace, a good sneeze. All of it!

Here's mine:


07 - Watch the first TED talk you find on that starts with the first letter of your first name. Apparently, mine's going to be “Let your garden grow wild”. I note that I don't have a garden.

08 - Experiment with calligraphy or hand lettering.

09 - Sculpt a small object using clay, play dough, or plasticine. There are multiple recipes online to make your own, which means you get to decide your own colours. My grandmother used to make me pastel colours.

10 - Fill a page with small circles and colour them in. You could even use dice, or another counting method, to gamify how - and with what colours - you colour them.

11 - Create a piece using only primary colours. RGB or CMY.

12 - Write a short story exactly as many words long as how old you are in years.

13 - Create a photo essay or photo scavenger hunt.

14 - Create some puppets or paper dolls.

15 - Go outside and photograph the first thing you see that's your favourite colour.

If you can't go out, try to spot something from your window that's that colour.

If you can't spot anything, write the silliest thing involving that colour that you know.

16 - Using any means you like - still life, words, photographic, music - illustrate something from a dream.

17 - Draw a continuous line without lifting your pen.

18 - Make a list of words to look up in other languages.

19 - Monochrome study - black and white, greyscale, sepia, or any monochrome you like, in any medium you like. Even text.

20 - Make an apocalist (or bucket list).

21 - Create a portrait using only words and text.

22 - Write song lyrics or poems based on a set of randomly generated words. Any LLM or AI can do that, or you could ask some folks to pitch in words, or you could hit up random pages in a dictionary or other book.

23 - Each Saturday I post a longer or more detailed creative idea on my blog - most under the tag inkspiration, some under adventures, and some under per diem.

24 - Get a stack of books, any books you have, and stack them such that the titles on the spines create a verse from the top down. Any kind of verse you like.

Here's one from my comfy chair-side TBR pile:

Book pile: Titles from top down: Invisible Cities / A Million Miles Away / Voices From the Hudson Bay / What We Salvage / 100 Scenes

25 - Try a sensory experience.

26 - Make a list (and find or create the images if you want) of things that would be great album/book covers.

27 - Find a way to gamify your movie-watching experience to help you choose a new movie to watch each week. If it's a foreign (to you) film, try a food from that country for your movie snack.

28 - Make a list of rainy day ideas.

29 - Create a map of your neighbourhood.

30 - Turn old fabric scraps into stuffed animals, pillows, or patchwork quilts. If you can't, put the scraps into frames to make some wall art, or to use as backgrounds for framed photographs.
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