30-day language learning challenge

Pick a language you've always been curious about, and spend the month learning:
  1. Yes, no
  2. Goodbye, hello
  3. Count to 10
  4. Who, where, and when
  5. Coffee and tea
  6. Forest and sea
  7. To sleep, to wake
  8. To give, to take
  9. To laugh, to cry
  10. To want, to try
  11. How are you?
  12. What do you like to do?
  13. Let's go for a walk
  14. Let's sit down and talk
  15. Why and where
  16. To keep, to share
  17. What and how
  18. Then and now
  19. Moon and sun
  20. Begun and done
  21. Head and heart
  22. Stop and start
  23. Red, green, blue
  24. Shirt and shoe
  25. White and brown
  26. Up and down
  27. Yellow, grey, black
  28. Front and back
  29. Orange, purple, pink
  30. To eat, and to drink
getting to know you

song challenges:

01  -  02  -  03
04  -  05

photo challenges:

01  -  02  -  03
04  -  05  -  06
07  -  08  -  09

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