30-day writing challenge

  1. Make a list of rainy day ideas.
  2. Write about a childhood memory that has stuck with you.
  3. Write about a place you've never been but would love to visit.
  4. Describe a place that feels like home to you.
  5. Share a piece of advice you wish you had known when you were younger.
  6. Write about a challenging experience you've had.
  7. Write about a personal accomplishment you're proud of.
  8. Describe your ideal weekend.
  9. Reflect on your values and beliefs.
  10. Write about a time when you took a risk.
  11. Describe a piece of art (of any kind) that moves you.
  12. A person who's influenced you in a positive way.
  13. A personal tradition you have.
  14. A goal you're working towards.
  15. A social or cultural movement that you're passionate about.
  16. A hobby or activity that brings you joy.
  17. A scent that brings back memories.
  18. A meaningful piece of music.
  19. An achievement you're proud of.
  20. A personal philosophy or motto.
  21. A trip you took.
  22. A book that has had a significant impact on you.
  23. A social/political issue that you feel strongly about.
  24. You stumble upon a box in your attic. What's inside, and how does it change your life?
  25. Write about your favourite life hacks.
  26. If money was not an issue, would you start a business of your own? What would it be?
  27. If you were a tour guide for your city, what would you show people?
  28. Write about what you're glad to leave behind.
  29. Write about what you're looking forward to.
  30. Use a list to tell a story.
getting to know you

song challenges:

01  -  02  -  03
04  -  05

photo challenges:

01  -  02  -  03
04  -  05  -  06
07  -  08  -  09

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