30-day getting to know you challenge

We're doing a little cultural exploration this time around. Pick a culture you've always wanted to learn more about and try the following:

  1. A little history
  2. Start a book
  3. Location, location, location
  4. Learn a little language
  5. Learn how to write your initials
  6. Cook a little dinner
  7. Dance to the music
  8. Read some poems
  9. People of significance
  10. The way they live
  11. Watch a show/movie
  12. What do they believe
  13. How do they welcome guests
  14. What's for dessert
  15. How do they dress
  16. How are they like you
  17. What's a wedding like
  18. How do they deal with the dead
  19. Have they invented/created something that no one knows they did
  20. What's for breakfast
  21. Try a craft/art
  22. Read the news, or watch it
  23. Are there traditional martial arts/sports
  24. How do they serve tea/coffee
  25. What are some traditional toys and games
  26. How do they gather
  27. How do they show solidarity
  28. How do they say hello
  29. How do they say goodbye
  30. What was your favourite thing from all of this.
getting to know you

song challenges:

01  -  02  -  03
04  -  05

photo challenges:

01  -  02  -  03
04  -  05  -  06
07  -  08  -  09

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