30-day photo challenge - 02

  1. Close-up of a small object or texture.
  2. A reflection in a mirror, window, water.
  3. An interesting street sign, billboard, or poster.
  4. Take a photo of the sunrise or sunset.
  5. A still life using everyday objects.
  6. An interesting texture, such as wood, stone, or fabric.
  7. Something intricate
  8. Water in its various forms - flowing, still, frozen, or misty.
  9. Animals going about their daily business.
  10. The idea of flight without flying
  11. Cityscapes - structures, streets, alleys.
  12. Naturally occurring symmetries in flowers, leaves, or other natural elements.
  13. Create appealing compositions using food.
  14. Use available light sources to create interesting light effects, lens flares, or silhouettes.
  15. The intrigue of abandoned buildings, vehicles, or other structures.
  16. Trees, focusing on their unique shapes, textures, and colours.
  17. Black and white.
  18. Something that's your favourite colour.
  19. Interesting patterns in nature, architecture, or everyday objects.
  20. The city or nature at night.
  21. Close up shots of flowers.
  22. The diversity of wildlife in urban environments.
  23. Embrace simplicity - clean, minimalistic compositions.
  24. Freeze or blur movement to add dynamism.
  25. Something in an unexpected place
  26. Capture a moment of unexpected bright colour.
  27. Parallel lines
  28. Experiment with capturing smoke, steam, or fog.
  29. Use empty space to draw attention to your subject.
  30. Capture something that makes you laugh.
getting to know you

song challenges:

01  -  02  -  03
04  -  05

photo challenges:

01  -  02  -  03
04  -  05  -  06
07  -  08  -  09

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