30-day photo challenge - 05

  1. Night
  2. Day
  3. A door
  4. A window
  5. The ground
  6. The sky
  7. Your favourite colour
  8. Sidewalk chalk art or surveyor's marks
  9. Shadows cast by street performers
  10. Find a high vantage point and capture your view
  11. The past
  12. The present
  13. The future
  14. Grace
  15. Hope
  16. Kindness
  17. Sound
  18. Vision
  19. Childhood
  20. Adulthood
  21. Opposites
  22. A want
  23. A need
  24. Generosity
  25. Greed
  26. Yesterday
  27. Tomorrow
  28. Morning
  29. Afternoon
  30. Evening
getting to know you

song challenges:

01  -  02  -  03
04  -  05

photo challenges:

01  -  02  -  03
04  -  05  -  06
07  -  08  -  09

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